The National Basketball League is a semi-professional basketball league in Uganda that is the highest division of men's basketball in the country. The league currently consists of 13 teams.

Established in 1995, media often highlights the league's physicality. The City Oilers dominated during the 2010s, winning seven straight NBL titles. The Oilers are the league's most decorated team with nine won championships, which were all won consecutively.


Basketball was introduced in Uganda in 1962, by the American Peace Corps and East African teachers. During the 1970s and 80s, economic hardship in the country meant a decline of the sport in the country as many schools abandoned the game.

A national basketball league was founded in 1995 and started with six teams: the Kyambogo Warriors, Blue Jackets, Black Power, Rhino, Sky Jammers and Makerere University. Since 2003, the league was expanded with a second-level league, named Division 1. Since 2019, there has also been a third level named Division 2.

The City Oilers entered the league in 2013 and have since then dominated, winning nine consecutive titles.

**Uganda - NBL**

Uganda's National Basketball League (NBL) er den øverste professionelle basketballliga i Uganda. Ligaen blev grundlagt i 1996 og består af 12 hold, der konkurrerer om titlen som national mester.

NBL er et hårdt omstridt liga, og holdene har en blanding af lokale og internationale spillere. Ligaen har produceret mange talentfulde spillere, herunder NBA-stjernen Manute Bol.

Sæsonen starter i februar og slutter i juli. Holdene spiller en regelmæssig sæson på 22 kampe, efterfulgt af playoffs. Mesterskabet afgøres i en bedst-ud-af-syv-serie.

NBL er en populær liga i Uganda, og kampene tiltrækker store tilskuermængder. Ligaen er også en vigtig platform for at udvikle basketballtalenter i landet.